Hirschmann Ice Cream Parlour

Just a street away from the apartment!

The ice cream parlour is located just a few steps away from the apartment, and it has been my favourite since my childhood – and I’m not the only one who feels this way! This is the famous Hirschmann Ice Cream Parlour. Those who stay in the apartment are incredibly lucky, as it’s only a short walk away.

As a child, I was willing to walk or cycle quite a distance daily just to eat as much ice cream as possible.

Of course, it was easier back then when a scoop cost just one forint, but because this ice cream is so delicious, we still come back!

Grillage... what is it?

A legjobb... | The best...

My personal favourites are grillage*, bonbon (with large chocolate pieces), and fruit rice, but everyone can find something they like, from the classics to more exciting creations (such as banana whimsy).

You can also enjoy a nice coffee here, and you can ask for whipped cream on everything!

*In my family, grillage, or brittle, was made by mixing coarsely chopped walnuts with toasted sugar mass. We would shape it into sheets, let it dry, and then break the sheet into pieces of our desired size. In this article, you can read (in Hungarian) in great detail about this treat.

Nagy választék | wide selection

At the Hirschmann ice cream parlour, they make it the same way. My favourite memory is from my childhood, when the owner invited me to the back, held out a large tray of broken brittle in front of me, and told me to help myself. Well, if you buy five scoops a day, you deserve VIP treatment! Ah, those were the days!

A journey back in time – except for the prices 🙁

This is still a real, “old-fashioned” confectionery: since my childhood (and I suppose since the beginning), they have kept the same ice cream containers, old tables, and chairs, as well as the fantastic grape arbour under which it’s a relief to eat ice cream from a sundae glass during the scorching summer heat.

It is open from the beginning of May at weekends and every day during the summer season; unfortunately, they close at the beginning of September. Check their Facebook page for exact opening times. If you’re in the area, make sure to visit and try the selection at Hirschmann Ice Cream Parlour!

Árnyas lugas | Shady grape arbour
1965 óta | Since 1965


Turn right at the gate, right at the corner again, walk down Táncsics street and you won’t miss it.


térkép | map